Mon - Thu: 08:30 - 15:00 & 16:00 - 19:00
Friday 08:30 - 15:00
It allows a rigorous classification of workers according to their specific responsibilities and functions. It facilitates the monitoring and control of time worked by each professional category. This provides a clear view of the distribution of the workforce in the company, facilitating informed decisions in terms of recruitment, training and staff development.
It allows a rigorous classification of workers according to their specific responsibilities and functions. It facilitates the monitoring and control of time worked by each professional category. This provides a clear view of the distribution of the workforce in the company, facilitating informed decisions in terms of recruitment, training and staff development.
This feature allows detailed tracking of hours worked, making compensation flexible for employees. Exceeding allocated hours in a month can be compensated, paid, used in the future or transferred to the next month. By closing months based on hours worked or hours not worked by employees, it ensures accurate tracking and informed decision making on compensation and use of working time.
It allows companies to easily monitor and coordinate the activities of all their work sites from a centralised location, assigning and managing employee schedules at each workplace and facilitating communication and collaboration between different teams and departments, improving operational efficiency across the organisation. It also provides a global view of work activity at each location, making it easier to identify areas for improvement in terms of productivity and performance.
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